Friday, November 21, 2008

Hamlet and Ophelia

Yea he probablly slept with her otherwise she wouldnt get that upset. She seems really attached and some girls get attached if you just say that you like them but she seems too attached so they probablly had sex. People say that they like someone then they dont but it shouldnt make someone that upset...but he did call her a whore. crap...She couldnt really call him one though if she slept with him cause hes royalty. He can do whatever he wants. Notice how she always talks to him with respect always saying "my lord" and what not. If they had sex then it would be more justifiable for him to call her a whore. I think hes faking so i dont think that hes doing it because hes crazy. If he was i dont think that he'd be able to think of all this witty crap that comes out of his mouth... they had sex
the end

Friday, October 24, 2008

Senior quote

Here it is...
“Even if you think the flame has died, there's at least one lyric that'll hit that last hot spot, and then you'll find yourself as f***** as you were the day you lied and said you never wanted to see her again.”
John Mayer

but if you can't edit that one like that then just use:

"Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing."
-Tyler Derden
"Life's harder to take when you don't know any sware words"
- Calvin

i don't really care...just pick one and surprise me

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

American Pie is Secular Humanist.
Don McLean believes there is no God and man sets the standards because God took a train and went to the coast for a vacation

God and the Universe
  • God left us - "The father, son and the holy ghost, they caught a train for the coast"
  • We mock God and make ourselves God - "the jester stole his thorny crown"


  • We are mortal - "This'll be the day that i die"
  • We are innocent because God left us - "Now for ten years we've been on our own


  • The universe is flawed because Satan laughs along with us and mocks God like the jester - "I saw Satan laughing with delight the day the music died" - which was the same day that God left.


  • Going down to the levee (which is dry) so what do they do? - "Drinkin' whiskey and rye" - They forget their problems


  • They prize music - "I can still remember how that music used to make me smile"


  • "...poets dreamed..." - ...Im sure they do
  • "Fire is the devil's only friend" - That would fit since he's in hell and no one likes him

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Wizard of Oz -Secular Humanist

The Wizard of Oz is Secular Humanist. They do not believe in a God and even the Wizard, whom they expect to have godlike powers, does not. They discover within themselves that they have had what they were looking for all along. Even Dorothy had always had the power to go home. They also believe that man is basically good and Dorothy trusts a lion to come with them. (He is not a man but he basically is; he talks and normal lions don't talk).
They cannot have a Cosmic Humanist perspective for 3 reasons
1. They do not believe that they are God because they are searching for a godlike figure to help them and that would defeat the whole point of their journey.
2. They rejoice when The Wicked Witch of the East dies but if they believed that everything and everyone is God, then they would be devistated.
3. They had a "government" of sort because The Wicked Witch of the East was oppressing them, it was not because they refuse to get in touch with their true inner selves. That's just pure crap.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

worldview and wizard of oz

When searching for a world view in a text, it is important to understand the time period when it was written. Some world views may not have been around if the literature was written say two hundred years ago. You need to know what a world view is and the 6 main perspectives or worldviews that different people have. It is important to understand the background information of the author such as the culture because that will influence his worldview and his writings.
The Wizard of Oz has a post modern world view. Postmodernism is aesthetic. In the Wizard of Oz, they are not looking for a god but a wizard to help them with their problems. On their journey they seem to 'invent' a God which they hope to find when they reach the emerald city. They think that they need this God to help them solve their problems even though he is fake. The truth they wish to find in the wizard doesn't exist in any objective sense but is just made up