Tuesday, October 14, 2008

worldview and wizard of oz

When searching for a world view in a text, it is important to understand the time period when it was written. Some world views may not have been around if the literature was written say two hundred years ago. You need to know what a world view is and the 6 main perspectives or worldviews that different people have. It is important to understand the background information of the author such as the culture because that will influence his worldview and his writings.
The Wizard of Oz has a post modern world view. Postmodernism is aesthetic. In the Wizard of Oz, they are not looking for a god but a wizard to help them with their problems. On their journey they seem to 'invent' a God which they hope to find when they reach the emerald city. They think that they need this God to help them solve their problems even though he is fake. The truth they wish to find in the wizard doesn't exist in any objective sense but is just made up

1 comment:

Norman said...

hey bro,
not too bad man! but i think you meant Atheistic, not Aesthetic...maybe?